The Blickman Windsor Scrub Sinks include an 8"-deep bowl and 22" scrub area with gooseneck faucet mounted to the back sink panel. All-welded, seamless construction and coved corners means easy cleaning; no crevices for dirt to collect. Choose knee-action or infrared-sensor controls; knee-action will be provided unless specified. Available in single, double, triple, or four-place sink units.
Model 7878SS-IF Windsor Scrub Sink with Infrared Controls, 1 Place - 25"W 18-1/2"D
Model 7879SS-IF Windsor Scrub Sink with Infrared Controls, 2 Places - 47"W 18-1/2"D
Model 7880SS-IF Windsor Scrub Sink with Infrared Controls, 3 Places - 69"W 18-1/2"D
Model 7881SS-IF Windsor Scrub Sink with Infrared Controls, 4 Places - 91"W 18-1/2"D
Foot or elbow-operated controls are available.