GE MAC 7 Resting ECG
Intuitive means getting high quality ECGs on every patient. MAC 7 intuitive user interface helps you reduce variability in ECG quality by:
- • Identifying signal quality
- • Acquiring the highest quality ECG automatically
- • Displaying it in high resolution
- • Ready for print and transmission
With just a few touches users of all experience levels can acquire quality ECGs
Up to 31% fewer steps
85% of users agree that they need minimal training
To help minimize IT challenges and ease connectivity, MAC 7 was designed to integrate smoothly into your ecosystems using industry standard interfaces.
Flexible & Scalable
MAC 7 features bidirectional communication with:
• CardioSoft
• Your EMR
• Other cardiology systems*
* May require an EMR or DICOM Gateway
In multiple data formats via:
• HL7
As a result, your ADT, patient data, orders and test results can transfer effortlessly – all to support a seamless ECG workflow and comprehensive patient record.
With today's hyperconnected data environment, you worry about patient privacy and data protection. GE Healthcare and our new ECG security architecture included on the MAC 7 are here to bring you peace of mind.
MAC 7 helps you drive facility security
• Minimizing the attack surface
• Only talking to recognizable things
• Always updating
• A smarter USB connection
Maintain total control of security updates
• Constant threat monitoring for developing security enhancements
• Security design details included in user and service manuals
Protect data integrity
• All patient data encrypted
• Username and password authentication, including LDAP
• Secure network connections by only talking to recognized devices
Easy to move and clean
Fits users of all heights, therefore, user experience is improved and workplace injuries are reduced. Reduces the risk of cross-contamination. Footprint is on average 12% smaller and 11% lighter.